29 April 2024

Abdur-Raheem McCarthy


Channel: Abdur-Raheem McCarthy

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WARNING!!! AI generated text may display inaccurate or offensive information that doesn’t represent Muslim Central's views. Therefore, no part of this transcript may be copied or referenced or transmitted in any way whatsoever.

AI Generated Summary ©

A speaker discusses how the Arabs in Austria want to use the Muslims as bait to kill their brothers and steal their money. The speaker believes that the Muslims need to be people who have honor, rather than individuals with only one country. They plan to visit the Muslim countries to give their money to the Muslims.

Transcript ©

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And Nimsa,

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They hate the Arabs and the

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In fact, they wanna call the Muslims.

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They're from the only two countries.

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They voted

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to not have a ceasefire.

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So this gives us a clear indication

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about what's in their

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heart. Even though it's from the countries

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that the Arabs travel

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So they benefit a lot from the Arab

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Muslim meaning from the Muslim.

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So it's upon the Muslims to boycott

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traveling to these evil countries.

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The ones who truly hate Islam and the

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We have in our Muslim countries what is

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sufficient, and we don't need their countries.

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The Muslim needs to be someone who has

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voting to kill my brothers,

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my money.

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my money.